A Safe Place is the sole provider of services exclusively addressing domestic violence in Lake County, Illinois. Through multi-faceted programs we assist victims in transforming their lives after
domestic violence, prevent future abuse by addressing its root cause through abuser intervention programs, and educate the community about domestic violence and how we can all be involved in its
It is our goal that by learning more about domestic violence, its causes, and appropriate responses, we can encourage a whole-community response to the domestic violence in our midst, breaking the
cycle of domestic violence, thus creating safe and healthy communities.
Foundations of Domestic Violence (2 hrs.)
- Definition of Domestic Violence
- Historical and Feminist Perspectives
- Societal and Institutional Issues
- Myths and Realities
Dynamics (5 hrs.)
- Statistics and Domestic Violence
- Cycle of Violence
- Power and Control Wheel/Types of Abuse
- Barriers or Challenges to Leaving an Abuser
- Identifying Victims/Survivors
Direct Services Issues (5 hrs.)
- Counseling DV victims/survivors
- Defining Advocacy
- Basis Crisis Intervention Skills
- Documentation of Client Files - Files - Victim's Survivor's Rights
Safety and Assessment (2.5 hrs.)
- Safety Planning
- Lethality Assessment
- Suicide Assessment: Warning Signs, Intervention Strategies
Abuser Profile (1 hr.)
- Overview of Abusers
- Overview of Abuser Program Services
Children's Issues (3 hrs.)
- Effects of Domestic Violence on Child
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- DCFS Issues
- Safety planning
- Working with Children
Teen Dating Violence (1 hr.)
- Dynamics
- Legal Aspects
- Safety Planning for Teen-Dating Violence
Cultural Competency (3 hrs.)
Working with Battered Women with Complex Issues (6 hrs.)
- Older Battered Women
- Elder Abuse and Neglect Act
- Rural Women
- Immigrant Battered Women
- People with Unique Challenges
- Mental Health Issues
- DV in LGBT relationships and Homophobia
- Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases Including HIV and AIDS
- Prostitution/Trafficking
Legal Issues and Domestic Violence (4 hrs.)
- IDVA Act
- Criminal or Civil Court/Orders of Protection
- Criminal Offenses: Assault, Domestic Battery, Violation of Order of Protection, Stalking
- Conditions of Bond
- Full Faith and Credit
- VAWA-Immigration Issues
- Prohibitions Against Firearm Possession
Human Trafficking (2 hrs.)
- Prevention Education
- Direct Service Approach
- Community Collaboration
Miscellaneous (.5 hrs.)
- Certification Code of Ethics
- Referrals to and Working with other Agencies/Systems
Contact Information:
Pat Davenport,
CEO - Executive Director
A Safe Place Place
2710 17th Street, Ste 100
Zion, IL 60099
Phone: 847-731-7165 Ext. 105
Fax: 847-731-7528